Author: beardy

  • Jag och mitt skal – Verktygslådan, introduktion och filosofi

    Filosofin bakom verktygslådan var ett mycket viktigt koncept när Unix (av vilket GNU/Linux i stort sett är en klon) först  designades och utvecklades. Olyckligtvis, i dagens värld av “webben” grafiska gränssnitt, “moln” och andra buzz-fjanterier, verkar denna filosofi till viss del glömts bort. Det är synd, eftersom denna filosofi ger oss den kraftfulla mentala modell,…

  • Jag och mitt skal – Introduktion till terminaler och shells

    Denna video är ju rolig på sitt vis, många tar den säkert dock på allvar, och tror verkligen att terminaler och skal i *nix (Unix, GNU/Linux, BSD, jag kommer i fortsättningen skriva *nix) är något svårt och komplicerat att använda sig utav. Men så är det inte, terminalen, och skalet, är det Sanna sättet att…

  • How to set up a SIP trunk in the Asterisk PBX

    In my previous article we configured Asterisk with some SIP-devices, and created a basic dialplan so that they could dial eachother. We also created two additional extensions for test purposes. This time I will show you how to configure a SIP trunk, and add extensions in the dialplan so that the telephones can dial out through…

  • Djupare in i bloggandets värld, motstretandes, men hyfsat fascinerad

    Sådär.. första steget i ett litet optimeringsexperiment, då får vi se om det ger något resultat i form av någon mer besökare kanske. Prövar bland annat att pinga (denna gång menas blog-ping, inte ICMP) automatiskt från WordPress vid postande. Detta är väl mest ett test, alternativt en liten rant. Bland all skit som skrivs…

  • Four years after The Pirate Bay raid

    Apparently, yesterday it was exactly four years since (the) The Pirate Bay raid. Time really flies.. I remember it well. I think I probably still have the police lists of the confiscated computers in some dusty directory, they leaked, or was made available some time after, if I recall correctly that is.. (A few minutes…

  • An introduction to Asterisk, The Open Source Telephony Project

    Asterisk is software that turns an ordinary computer into a voice communications server. Asterisk is the world’s most powerful and popular telephony development tool-kit. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and governments worldwide. Asterisk is open source and is available free to all under the terms of the GPL. That…

  • Pac-Man’s 30th Anniversary

    Today is Pac-Man‘s 30th birthday. Happy Birthday Pac-Man. Google has a nice javascript logo in the form of a Pac-Man game today, with a level including the letters “G o o g l e”, nicest one so far I think, such things we like.

  • Installing Debian Lenny on an Asus EeePC 900, part two

    I have had my EeePC for a while now, and I have set it up how I want it, for the most part. When I wrote the first part, about installing Debian on an Asus EeePC 900, I wasn’t very detailed about what I had, or were going to do, to make it run as…

  • Exercising civil rights and duties

    Today is the EU parliament election in Sweden. I have been exercising my civil right and duty, and voted. I think it’s important to do so, even if one isn’t very politically active otherwise, the least one can do is make an opinion and vote when there is an election. I can report that things…

  • Getting indexed by Google, don’t repeat this mistake

    A few days ago I was going to “deploy” a site I had been working on. It is using WordPress. When I set things up and wrote pages and made it do a bit of what I wanted, I had set it to be private, in the WordPress Settings->Privacy->I would like to block search engines,…