beardy's blog


BodaX BBS is a Bulletin Board System running ENiGMA½, it has an entry on Telnet BBS Guide.


Secure WebSocket (wss://) in web browser

You can connect to BodaX BBS directly in your web browser using the links below. VTX and fTelnet are two different WebSocket clients. Why not try them both and see which one you prefer.


SSH port 22
When connecting for the first time, use:
user: new
pass: new

to connect, and create your account.

Telnet port 23 (please consider using SSH instead)

Resources and features


BodaX BBS is present in gopherspace at:
You can read some of the message bases, user’s phlogs, and explore other gopherholes from within the BBS. If you do not have a gopher capable browser (personally I prefer Lynx) you can check it out through Floodgap’s proxy.

Message networks

The system is connected to several FidoNet style message networks:

  • fsxNet – fsxNet is a fun, simple and experimental network that uses Fido Technology Networking to communicate between connected Bulletin Board Systems (BBS).
  • tqwNet – A network based on having fun, while being respectful and helpful to each other.


There are several locally hosted games, the board is also connected to several door game servers which runs a vast number of games. You can also play Nethack on and Telehack from BodaX BBS, both connected with SSH.